Teaching Academy for Professors (TAP): Shifting Learner Agency through Student-Centered Pedagogies


The Teaching Academy for Professors (TAP; https://www.teachacademyprofessors.org/) is a structured semester-long program at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona where a community of faculty from multiple disciplines co-construct knowledge on teaching and learning with assistance from more experienced facilitators (Ahn, 2019). Grounded in social constructivist theory (Vygotsky, 1978), TAP aims to shift learner agency away from the teacher to empower diverse learners to become more active participants in their own learning. Over the past 3 years, TAP participants have reported significant increases in their knowledge and application of student-centered pedagogical approaches and have demonstrated enhanced student performance after shifting learner agency in their classrooms (Ahn et al., 2019). This hands-on, collaborative workshop will provide participants with a glimpse into one of our collaborative TAP sessions while engage them in student-centered approaches recent TAP participants reported as most transformational to their teaching (i.e., communal notes, chunk and chew, graphic organizers and formative assessment). Our other workshop titled Learning and Applying Moses’ Five-Step Pedagogical Framework, will provide participants with a first-hand experience of an empowering five-step framework central to our TAP program (Moses, 2018; Moses & Cobb, 2001)


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation




Pedagogy, Diversity, Agency, Collaboration, Transformation