Case Study in Challenges Faced in Developing Interactive Multimedia Online e-Learning Solutions for Public Use : Lessons Learned from E-Lankapura


Developing interactive, online multimedia e-learning material for the public use is a massive challenge that any organization or individual faces. There are many aspects that one should consider when developing such mass scale free material in electronic form. The National e-Learning Resource Centre (NELRC) of University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka accepted this challenge, and successfully deployed the production named “E-Lankapura,” which is freely available to the public. This production was done to fulfill a request made by the National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA), Sri Lanka. Their need was to develop an e-learning course to every citizen in Sri Lanka to match with the National Vocational Qualification level 2 Information Communication Technology (ICT) syllabus. However, the NELRC team has faced many obstacles and drawbacks as well as achievements during this process of commissioning, production and implementation. During the commissioning stage of production, the most successfully achieved task by the NELRC team was systematic categorization of the objectives list based on basic, intermediate, tools and application. This attempt was greatly helpful to organizing the other components of production efficiently and effectively. The other main decision that the NELRC team has taken was to introduce real characters for the video production, so that this material will be more attractive to the users. The other main challenge that NELRC faced was long production time and high cost. Thus, future productions of NELRC will focus on reducing the production and time, and making re-usable tools to reduce the cost of production.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Free,Public use, Interactive multimedia, Online learning. Challenges, Lessons learnt