"Anyone there?": Fostering a Classroom Community Through Professor Presence


This workshop focuses on what professor presence translates into in an online classroom. It focuses on the importance of student to professor interaction as well the impact professor presence can overall have in a course. This workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss strategies for creating welcome videos, engaging discussions, Zoom conference meetings, feedback opportunities, and informative announcements. All of these can serve as useful techniques in transforming online courses into engaging and active digital classrooms for our students. It facilitates interaction and creates human interaction that is often lost in an online setting. In particular, this conference will focus on the feedback opportunity set-up. Using Canvas as an LMS, attendees will be provided a tutorial on how to add automatic feedback to a quiz. They will be instructed on the best practices to writing productive feedback, and they will be given time to create feedback for their current course, or a practice question to gain experience.


Cora Fernandez


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation




Intentional Design, Social Interaction, Higher Education, Professor Presence