Designing Models for Active and Autonomous Learning : Resources for Open, Active, and Inclusive Learning about Architecture and Unique Sites


There is a need for new approaches to stimulate learning processes by giving a more active role to the individual involved. There have been so many changes in both work and leisure, that it seems absolutely necessary for education to rebalance processes and contents. The main predictions are uncertainty about future needs, facing changing patterns, and the prevalence of disruptive learning methods. This paper presents research in progress whose goal is to develop simple and new representations that could be efficient and surprising as e-learning-based educational applications to achieve autonomous learning about architecture and heritage sites. It focuses on creating tools to produce new relationship models through reality and knowledge. There are means and technologies based on graphic representations, which can increase accessibility and interaction with the contents, using simple, newly available techniques for discovering more interactively and hands-on learning. We are developing contents to provide a hands-on pedagogical approach for a diversity of users. With this goal, this project explores creating learning models that combine perceptive stimuli (visual, tactile and productive) in an autonomous learning setting. This paper presents the design of some representations made with different technologies readily available today, which allow the user to produce new stimuli and to be involved in the learning process, by experiencing a simple and constructive relationship with some architectural sites.


Marina Puyuelo Cazorla
Senior Professor, School of Design Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain

Hidalgo Francisco

Fuentes Durá Pedro


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Learning processes, Design Diversity, Architecture models, Tools/Technologies, Hands-on learning