Students Share About the Barriers and Enablers in Online Learning


Providing education to Queensland secondary students requires some schools to employ online learning to deliver curriculum over this vast geographical region. Some rural students across Queensland are required to access online courses to bolster their Senior Education Training Plan (SETP) to achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or an Overall Position (OP) for University entry. These students have varying degrees of success when undertaking these courses. This study explores what might be done to mitigate barriers and to enhance outcomes for senior secondary students who access online courses. Over the past decade, there has been increased research activity in the K-12 sector, most from the teacher’s or organizational perspective, and predominately, undertaken outside of Australia. Researchers have identified the need for research to shift focus from the teacher and organizational perspectives to the student’s experience. Based on findings in the literature, focus areas identified for the research were formalised into three themes: resources and content, socialization and communication, and teacher-student relationships. Participants were selected, using a convenience sampling technique, from state and non-state schools. The study has resulted in both practical and theoretical outputs. The research discusses the significance of the teacher-student relationship in an online course, highlights the importance of the quality and selection of the resources and content within an online course and finally presents student’s perceptions about the role of socialisation and communication within an online course. The project also provides a theoretical framework for understanding online learning from the student point of view.


David Jeffs


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Queensland, Senior, Secondary, Students, Enablers, Barriers, Online, Learning