Characteristics and Training Needs of Young Digital Citizens


New social movements linked to economic crises and environmental problems have highlighted the role of young digital citizens. Through new forms of social participation, they are generating spaces, actors and synergies of influence in the social and political reality of today’s world. The questioning considered obsolete and ineffective, of the management of current governments has led young people to use the tools that are natural to them, social networks, as the digital natives that they are. These aspects must therefore be considered in the reflection of those responsible for education, and be incorporated into the proposals for education for current citizenship. This paper has two parts; the first evaluates both the conduct of digital citizenship that university students have as well as the training needs in this aspect that they communicate. In the second part, students are offered proposals for digital citizenship in accordance with their training demands.


Antonia Lozano Diaz
Assistant Professor, Education, University of Almería

Juan S Fernández-Prados
University Professor, Humanities and Education Sciences, University of Almería


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social Transformations


Digital Citizenship, Social Networks, Cyberactivism, Youth, Social Movements