Flipping Films for Better In-class Engagement and Community Empowerment


This project introduces a unique method of flipping movies in an advanced intermediate-level speaking and listening course. The adolescent students at a language school in northeastern Morocco participate in viewing films together in class, along with pre-class activities that are flipped to prepare them for the language and themes of the films. Then, the in-class work utilizes a system known as SHAC (Share, Help, Ask, Comment), in which students engage with each other as they explore their thoughts and reactions to the films. The students work on selective listening skills, oral discussion skills, cultural competence, critical thinking skills, and leadership skills. Results from this implementation have indicated that the students participating in the course increased their motivation to learn English, and improved markedly in their aural/oral skills. An important side benefit of the course was engagement with the public, as they designed projects based on the films that took them out of the classroom and into the community.


Khalid Fethi


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Flipped Learning, Flipping Films, Using Films To Teach English