Never So Close to be So Far Away from One Another?: How the Unstoppable Advance of Technology has Separated Humans More Than Ever


Technology has changed our lives. This is an indisputable fact. Technology has made communication easier and faster than any other period of our history. It seems like we have never been able to be so close to one another until the advance of technology arrived in our lives. But in many aspects, this could not be less true. The youngest generations desire to achieve everything in the precise moment. They believe that achieving a goal in life is like clicking a social media button. In reality, achieving a goal whatever that may be for every individual, takes patience, hard work, sacrifice, discipline and perseverance. Our society is experiencing a strong loss and lack of values. Behind every success, there is nothing more than passion and strong compromise. This is why it is so urgent to remind our society, and especially the youngest generations that are yet to come that technology can be a great use of force of connection, but that same technology needs to be used properly. It needs to be used properly throughout the implementation of strong defined values like some of the ones that were mentioned above. It is time to decide what kind of society we want to be and what world we want the youngest ones to inherit.


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




Technology, Values, Society, Youngest Generations