Templates and Departmental Divergence: Balancing Learner Consistency with Disciplinary Perceptions


Online educational instructional design templates provide subject matter experts (SMEs) frameworks to develop consistent program-based learning experiences. Templates are positively viewed by their ability to help SMEs organize the learning experience, integrate standards-based design elements, and better ensure a sense of course-to-course continuity for specific degree-seeking learners. At the same templates can present challenges to department-based SMEs charged with programmatic-design who may perceive disciplinary structures, programmatic learning goals, and their “learners” differently. This workshop session introduces participants to standards-based instructional design templates, the concept of a course’s narrative arc, and how instructional design teams work with SME collectives to create a departmentally-branded experience that builds departmental-SME consensus and consistent learning experiences. This interactive workshop will position participants to strategically think about which aspects of the given templates are most fertile for finding common ground.


Daniel L. White


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation




Standards, Templates, Design, Consistency, Brand, Programmatic