Colombian Remembrance of the Civil Conflict within the Video Game "Reconstruccion: la Guerra no es un juego"


Created in January 2016 by Pathos Digital and ViveLabBogota, Reconstruccion is a serious game. Available for free download on the Apple Store, Windows and Google Play, Reconstruccion is a hybrid narrative device that includes other digital platforms such as Twitter and Youtube. The video game offers several narratives of the armed conflict allowing its users to experience the reality of war. Alternating between fictional representations of FARC, archival speeches of civilian victims of the guerrilla and tweets of players, Reconstruccion’s narrative of the country's history seeks to promote the ongoing peace process and democracy. The analysis will engage in a technological and semiological reflection and address the following questions: How has a video game been brought into a peace process? And to what extent does the digital media transform a society? How can a video game become a tool for civic participation? We shall start with an analysis of the video game. What interests us here more particularly is to understand the effects of a digital tool on society and the plurality of interpretations. We thus propose to ponder the new digital practices in the treatment of a civil war.


Álvaro Triana
Senior Producer, Jam City, Colombia

Beatriz Sanchez Bagnarello


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase




Technology, History, Peace Process, Digital Practices, Society