Using Technology to Enhance the Mathematics Classroom


Much of learning no longer takes place in a common classroom with a chalkboard. To better engage the new generation of students in active learning, the integration of simple technology tools can help meet student needs in a variety of content areas. Being that active learning is student-centered, we want to show how to put the technology in the students’ hands. Students involved in critical thinking can utilize free online support tools to help them express themselves and the ideas they form in their minds. Students need to be able to communicate their thinking to others and collaborate with each other, as well as experts, to help them problem solve. When the students can easily communicate with others, reliance on the instructor lessons. Free online technology tools (e.g., concept maps, blogs, wikis, social bookmarks, and polling/survey, whiteboards, website creation) can help facilitate different implementations of active learning. We would like to discuss and demonstrate some easy ways to implement Web 2.0 tools into your active learning environment. Each phase of active learning can use different tools. No matter how many phases or how you label them, technology can be utilized to enhance your active learning classroom, make it more efficient, and more effective.


Angie Hodge
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, Northern Arizona University, Arizona, United States

Cindy S York
Associate Professor, Educational Technology, Research and Assessment, Northern Illinois University, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation




Mathematics, Active Learning, Technology, Pedagogy, Engaging