Use of MOOCs as a Digital Learning Strategy to Promote Sustainable Development


In an interconnected world, MOOCs must apply the quality requirements that face-to-face and online courses apply. An increasingly important issue, questions the ability of MOOCs to identify participants who access massively the numerous electronic platforms. In addition to the risks of online fraudulent access, it seeks to control identity theft. This is a complex problem that can be solved by artificial intelligence tools that use different technologies. This paper provides knowledge on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in biometric tools, with the purpose of promoting the transparent use of educational data in MOOCs and the adoption of auditable algorithms. Currently, recognition and identity verification systems are rudimentary and expensive systems. Biometric technology based on AI, allows identifying a specific user through the recognition of some unique feature. By the analysis of the information provided by the research instruments, it was found that 98% of the participants who achieved the results to obtain a certificate, also obtained an acceptable biometric recognition. It was found that IA based biometrics tools with key pacing algorithms allowed to verify the identity of the participants throughout the different MOOC activities. It is concluded that artificial intelligence in education promotes the adoption of transparent, exploitable and auditable algorithms for teachers, students, parents, and other interested parties. It is considered that these results of this research can support the development of MOOCs taking into account these two capital variables: the pedagogical quality and the biometric recognition of the identity of the participants.


Marcela Georgina Gomez Zermeño

Lorena Aleman


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2020 Special Focus - There is No Scale: Distance and Access in the Era of Distributed Learning


IA, MOOCs, Biometric Technology, Recognition Systems, Identity Verification