Measuring the Outcomes of eTandem in Practice: Designing Empirical Case Studies of Student Performance in Arabic and Italian


This paper will focus on eTandem activities developed at the University of Richmond for Italian and Arabic courses. In addition to traditional teletandem activities, we have experimented with new forms of interactions in the classroom, using “TalkAbroad” as a vehicle for authentic material and to increase exposure to diverse regional accents in elementary and intermediate Italian language courses. Similarly, we have forged a productive relationship with the student-led non-profit organization, “Conversations Unbound,” an inter-institutional consortium hosted at Vassar College, to connect students in Arabic courses with native speakers from North Africa and the Middle East, who have been displaced by war, religious conflict, and economic hardship. Remote connections, moreover, between the University of Richmond and schools in the Virginia Foundation of Independent Colleges (VFIC) promote increased equity by sharing language expertise and resources across different campuses. Remote connections hold great potential in humanistic curricula related to languages, literature, and cultures. We will report on research conducted with different groups of students, highlighting potential gains in speaking and listening skills, and arguing that new types of eTandem activities help develop increased student linguistic proficiency and intercultural competence. As institutions around the world focus more heavily on assessment, they need to develop new tools to evaluate, measure, and track learning outcomes that are often difficult to quantify. We will present our methodologies and argue for a qualitative approach to data collection and analysis.


Lorenza Marcin

Martin G Sulzer-Reichel
Director of Arabic, University of Richmond


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session




ETandem, Remote Learning, Interinstitutional Partnerships, Pedagogical Research