Media Framing of Renewable Energy: A Comparative Study among EU Countries' Media in the Russia-Ukraine Crisis Context


The Russia-Ukraine crisis has caused serious disruption to the global energy market. The European Union (EU)’s reliance on energy imports from Russia has compelled both the EU and its member states to adapt their energy strategies towards promoting renewable energies. This shift is in line with efforts to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development. A deductive methodological approach is used to analyse messages given to propagate and frame public perception of renewable energy in four newspapers from different countries of the European Union: Die Zeit (Germany), Aftenposten (Norway), Index (Hungary), and Expresso (Portugal) between March 2022 to the end of December 2023. The study found that the reporting practices concerning renewable energy exhibit notable disparities among four European nations. These disparities can be attributed to factors such as national interests, geographical considerations, and prevailing national policies. However, notwithstanding these disparities, the study reveals a discernible convergence in the approaches in disseminating media frames of renewable energy, stemming from media practices in the European Union and shared concerns among EU member states regarding energy-related issues. Furthermore, the study delves into the potential influence that media coverage within European countries may exert in fostering energy transition policies at the EU-level in forthcoming periods.


Trang Nguyen
Student, International Communications, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Ha Noi, thu do, Viet Nam

Yen Ly
Dean of Political theories, Senior Lecturer in International Communication, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Ha Noi, thu do, Viet Nam


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


Renewable energy, EU media, Framing theory, Energy crisis