Artificial Intelligence Applications and User Dependency: Analyzing Behavioral Patterns in WAZE


Artificial intelligence (AI) and functional technological applications have become integral to our lives, altering our patterns of reasoning and behavior. This study investigates whether, how, and why the use of the WAZE app, a popular GPS-based navigation application, demonstrates behaviors and patterns akin to technological dependency. We conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 50 WAZE users. The questions were inspired by the model of IT addiction, which identifies six behavioral parameters: withdrawal, conflict, mood modification, relapse, tolerance, and saliency. The novelty of the study lies in its evidence of patterns and behaviors resembling technological dependency on the WAZE app. The findings indicate that the WAZE app fulfills users’ needs driven by its functionality. Four behavioral characteristics associated with IT addiction—mood modification, conflict, relapse, and withdrawal—were applicable to WAZE users. The study concludes that AI-driven functional technological applications may trigger behavioral indicators of technological addiction.


Tal Laor
Senior Lecturer and Head of Journalism& Radio Track, School of Communication, Ariel University, Israel


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence; Technological dependency; IT addiction; Waze; App users; LBS