Manufacturing Meaning in Ghost Hunting: Exploring Multimodal Pragmatics through Discursive Psychology


Paranormal research investigation (i.e., Ghost Hunting) represents a specific genre of media communication and performance which provides a unique context for the exploration and documentation of multimodal pragmatics. Multimodal pragmatics concerns the intricate ways in which meaning is conveyed, encompassing verbal language, nonverbal signals, visual components, and various other modalities. It scrutinizes the synergistic interplay between linguistic and non-linguistic tools employed by speakers and listeners to construct and communicate meaning. In the realm of ghost hunting, repertoires of multimodal tools are used to underscore the significance of contextual cues in deciphering meaning. Within such situations, discursive psychology acknowledges the pivotal role played by situational, social, cultural, and spatial factors influencing the spoken utilization and interpretation of the multimodal resources. The current study provides a multimodal analysis and deconstruction of the Paranormal Nightmare series of paranormal research investigations as featured on YouTube. Attention is given to the intricate processes through which meaning, particularly concerning affirmations of evidence of the paranormal, is crafted, negotiated, and communicated via the integration of diverse communication strategies. The research highlights several points of interest including the influence within the paranormal media genre of discursive psychology and the positioning of paranormal research investigations as collaborative social acts oriented toward shared meaning making and predetermined affirmations of ghosts, spirits, and demons.


Damian Rivers
Professor, School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Media Cultures


Ghosts, Multimodal, Paranormal, Psychology