From Technophilia to Technophobia: Narratives about Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education


This work seeks to answer the following questions: What discourses and narratives are built and reinforced about artificial intelligence (AI) from Higher Education Institutions? Is AI rejected or adopted and adapted to the Mexican university context? To this end, the objective has been to identify and interpret the positions that underlie the educational references of AI. Through an inductive qualitative content analysis, we seek to discern whether university manuals from three Mexican public universities and that of an international multilateral organization project a technophilic vision, that is, an inclination towards the acceptance and promotion of technologies, or technophobic, which denotes skepticism or rejection of technological advances. Evaluating the narrative and the emphasis of the texts on the applications, ethics and possible futures of AI, this work offers a panoramic view of the institutional perspective towards AI in the context of higher education. The results reveal the existence of a mixture of positions in the selected manuals, with some discursive elements presenting a strong inclination towards the optimistic promotion of AI (technophilia), while others could reflect a degree of caution or criticism (technophobia). In addition, it is revealed how the manuals emphatically address the ethics of AI, the social responsibility of developers and the prospective impact of AI on society and the labor market.


Christian Fernandez Huerta
Researcher, Instituto de Investigaciones Culturales-Museo, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Baja California, Mexico

Hugo Mendez Fierros
Profesor-Investigador, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México., Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Literacies


Representacion, Media education, Teaching