From Pages to Places : Situating Kelly et al.'s The Robot Zoo in Real-life Context


The Robot Zoo: A Mechanical Guide to the Way Animals Work (1994) written by John Kelly, Dr. Philip Whitfield and Obin, consists of textual descriptions and visual images of sixteen robot animals. Out of them, giraffes, rhinos, and platypuses are the most endangered animals. In some states in America, robot zoo animal exhibitions have been successfully engaging with the audience and raising awareness about the plight and suffering of animals, such as giraffes, platypuses, and rhinos. With the delicate use of artificial intelligence, establishing more engaging robot zoo exhibitions might encourage children, young and adult citizens to become aware of the reasons for swift disappearances of animals, and develop interpersonal communication with nonhumans. With qualitative research, I investigate how artificial intelligence develops the functionality of several robot zoo animals and improves ties with nonhumans.


Nasih Alam
Graduate Teaching Assistant, English, North Dakota State University, North Dakota, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence


Robot Zoo, Artificial Intelligence, Endangered Animals, Engagement, Awareness