Artificial Intelligence Through the Lens of Critical Theory: Examining the Impact of AI on Media and Society


This paper delves into the effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on media and society, utilizing Critical Theory as its analytical framework. It examines AI’s role within the economic sphere, particularly as a tool for efficiency and expansion into new markets and domains of human activity. The focus is primarily on the media sector, encompassing digital, news, and social media, and how AI influences production processes. This exploration addresses concerns about job displacement and the nature of content creation, alongside other ethical dimensions such as privacy, bias, and intellectual property rights. The paper applies Critical Theory to critically assess AI’s impact on increasing inequality, commodification of human experiences, and reification. Incorporating insights from various scholars, this critique offers a unique assessment of AI’s profound influence on contemporary society. The essay posits that while AI offers significant opportunities for economic growth and transformative impacts across various sectors, its advancement must be scrutinized through a Critical Theory lens. This approach is essential to address emerging ethical dilemmas, socio-economic inequalities, and profound effects on human agency and identity. It ensures that AI’s development and implementation uphold human freedom and responsibility.


Donald Thompson
Student, PhD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


Critical Theory, Media and AI, Privacy Rights, IP rights, Commodification