Study of Religious Women's Acceptance of Religious Women Bloggers on Instagram


Visual media has had a significant impact on the mental structure and behaviors of humanity. One interactive platform that has played a major role in this is Instagram. In Islamic countries, particularly Iran, many Muslims have embraced this interactive media platform for various reasons. Instagram has also provided an opportunity for individuals to become famous and gain micro-celebrity status through its semi-algorithmic features. A notable group of Iranian women who have gained fame through Instagram are religious Muslim women who have transitioned into bloggers. These Iranian religious women bloggers (IRWB) have garnered a large following by showcasing different models of hijab and their private lives. This research aims to qualitatively study the representation of femininity and religiosity of these women. The main question addressed in this study is the acceptance of Instagram activity by IRWB among religious women. Drawing on concepts such as ‘The Society of the Spectacle’ and ‘Celebrity Online’, this study utilized the netnography method to analyze 14 pages of IRWB. The first phase involves the analysis of religious women’s comments on posts related to these themes. The second phase included interviews with religious women students who view or follow these pages. A total of 120 comments and 14 interviews were thematically analyzed. The results show four main themes: the spectacle of femininity, the commercialization of religiosity, the distortion of Islam, and the construction of religiosity and femininity. Ultimately, religious women did not find these pages to be reflective of their own experiences of female and religious life.


Ali Momeni
Student, PHD, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Women, Bloggers, Instagram, IRWB, Reception