Using ChatGPT in Empowering Students' Learning Research Methods Class


Thomas Kuhn introduced the concept of “scientific revolutions” in the mid of the 20th century, suggesting that the development of science is not a smooth process but progresses through continuous scientific revolutions. Scientific revolutions usually occur with the emergence of new discoveries, theories, and technologies. ChatGPT, as the most dynamic new technology in artificial intelligence, is expected to change people’s research environment and reconstruct their ways of thinking and behavior logic. In this paper, I share a case study in using ChatGPT to teach students to develop effective learning in their research methods class. Particularly, the paper focuses on how these GAI help dream, drudgery reduction, and design projects. The paper also introduces some techniques and tactics in using best practices of using prompts. ChatGPT has advantages in asynchronous communication, personalized response generation, and traceable history records. However, it also has risks, such as lack of deep understanding, perpetuating biases and discriminations, model limitations and error rates, and controversies over originality. ChatGPT increases the accessibility of information and the possibility of automated editing. However, it requires new academic ethics and norms, dedicated peer-review processes for artificial intelligence, and optimization of the ChatGPT model to improve accuracy and professionalism. Applying ChatGPT to academic research can significantly improve efficiency in searching and processing literature, automate the generation of abstracts and keywords, and quickly discover new research directions and problems.


Qingwen Dong
Professor of Communication, Department of Communication, University of the Pacific, University of the Pacific, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies