AI Tools and Academia: Students and Faculty in Ghana


Artificial intelligence (AI) tools may not be new in certain parts of the world. However, in a developing world such as Ghana, AI tools appear not to have gained much luster, particularly in academia. In a similar vein, scholarship appears to be scant in this regard. The main objective of the present study is to explore how learners (students), as well as lecturers (faculty), leverage AI tools to aid academic work in Ghana. I examine the kinds of AI tools often used by students and lecturers. Using the Qualitative paradigm and particularly, the descriptive case study approach, and with the aid of an interview guide, I interview students and lecturers from three public universities in Ghana to elicit rich responses. This study, aside from contributing to knowledge in this key area also reveals individual perspectives on AI from a developing country.


Daniel Edem Adzovie
Lecturer/Researcher, Department of Communication Studies, University of Cape Coast, Central, Ghana


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Literacies


Artificial Intelligence, AI Tools, Students, Lecturers, University, Academia, Ghana