How Mongolians Understand Climate change: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey


Over the last 80 years, Mongolia’s average annual temperature increased by 2.36°С. The population groups, in particular vulnerable groups are likely to be disproportionately affected due to not only their exposure to shocks and stresses but also their limited capacity to withstand and respond to climate induced disasters and risks. Mongolia’s CC mitigation and adaptation policy goals can succeed and can be sustainable if the public, key stakeholders and policymakers support effective action. The priorities of protecting vulnerable groups to CC, empowering the public to respond to climate induced risks were also mentioned in the NDCs. However, no studies have been conducted to identify what opportunities exist to increase knowledge and promote positive attitudes and practice among the population and vulnerable groups. This ‘Climate Change KAP Survey in Mongolia’ was commissioned by the GGGI and the MET. The purpose of the Survey was to assess awareness, knowledge, attitudes, practice and media consumption related to CC among the population including the most vulnerable in society. The results of the study inform the development of a national awareness-raising campaign strategy to improve public awareness and capacity-building activities to mainstream CC in national policies. The survey covers awareness, knowledge and attitudes of citizens, namely their observations about weather, environmental and climate changes, understanding of causes and effects. The survey reveals capacity needs of stakeholders and priorities needed for mitigation and adaptation strategies at community and national levels. It focuses on citizens’ access to information about CC and strategies for effective awareness campaigns.


Bayarmaa Enkhbayar
Program Senior Associate, Green Growth Planning and Implementation, Global Green Growth Institute, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Media Cultures