AI in Portugal: News Framing, Tone, and Sources


The news media plays a central role in the public performance of sociotechnical imaginaries. However, content analyses on the portrayal of artificial intelligence (AI) in the media are still scarce and are mostly limited to assessing Western English-speaking countries. This study addresses this knowledge gap: it investigates how AI is discursively represented in the Portuguese press (1997–2017), providing a new quantitative content analysis case study with a longitudinal dimension, and establishing an interdisciplinary connection with globalization and small country studies. Findings reveal that AI has been predominantly framed through scientific discoveries and projects, with news media articles highlighting benefits over risks and scientists playing a leading role in building public understanding of this technology.


Paulo Nuno Vicente
Professor, PhD in Digital Media Coordinator, Communication Sciences, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence, Innovation Systems, Sociotechnical imaginaries, Small Countries Studies, Framing