Automated Saliency Prediction in Cinema Studies: Using AI to Map Early Use


In visual cognition research, saliency refers to the prominence of specific elements in a scene. Moreover, saliency guidance is part of a filmmaker’s toolset to build narratives and guide the audience into emotive responses, transforming it into a cinematic narrative tool. This paper compares two CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) saliency mapping models with viewers’ eye-position mapping to investigate the potentiality of automated saliency mapping in moving image studies by analyzing saliency role during cinema’s transition from one-shot to multiple-shot. Although the exact moment when montage and editing methods appeared cannot be pointed out with precision, one of the reasons for this transition was saliency guidance, hence its preponderance.


Lein De Leon Yong
Graduate Student / Teaching Assistant, Arts Media and Sciences, Arizona State University, Arizona, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence


Artificial, Intelligence, Editing, Film, Style, Montage, Saliency