An Online Discourse Analysis of Weibo: Exploring the Transformation of Chinese Women's Lives and Values in the 21st Century and Its Implications for the Three-child Policy


In 2021, the Chinese government introduced the three-child policy as a means of addressing the country’s aging population. However, this policy has received negative feedback from the public, which is contrary to the government’s expectations. To analyze people’s opinions on this policy, this study focuses on Weibo, a popular social media platform in China. By conducting a discourse analysis of comments posted under news organizations’ venues and posts under relevant hashtags, the study identifies the major challenges of raising children in China today, particularly for Chinese women. Furthermore, the study reveals that Chinese women have developed new perspectives on relationships, marriage, and child-rearing, which contradict the government’s latest policy to encourage more children. Despite the change in policy and people’s values, my study suggests that patriarchy structures and values are still deeply ingrained in Chinese society. In summary, this study sheds light on the complexities of the three-child policy and its implications for Chinese society.


Huizhu Liang
Student, Steinhardt , New York University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Social Media, Population Policy, Chinese Women, Weibo