Gender Stereotypes In Advertising: Media’s Influence on the Construction of the Female Identity


My paper explores the impact of advertising on the construction of the female identity in Asia by examining various dynamics at play. The intricate interplay between marketing, cultural values and consumer behavior are examined as the research underlines the reciprocal reinforcement between advertising and its embedded media environment. Through a review of existing literature, I point out how advertising constructs and perpetuates particular ideals and norms pertaining to femininity, gender stereotypes as well as beauty standards, such as how women are represented with a strong emphasis on appearance. The impact of advertisements that challenge these stereotypes is also examined and contrasted with the reception of the advertisements that reinforce them.


Phyllis Hwee Leng Teo
Director, ATtentif Consulting Studio, Singapore


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Advertising, Media, Consumer Behaviour, Gender Stereotypes, Female Identity