Artifical Intelligence Literacy in the Classroom: Promoting Ethical Use of A.I. in Writing


This paper examines ways to develop students’ artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in the context of their own writing. The rapid development of AI has underscored institutional cultural lag, with students and faculty in educational institutions poorly prepared to grapple with the ethical and pedagogical implications of this rapid technological change and its impact on communication. Using case studies and an analysis of AI responses to specific writing assignments, this paper develops recommendations for helping students to understand how large-language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT produce written responses, consider the ethical implications of the use of AI in their writing, and evaluate the ways in which LLM’s use of existing text to generate new text potentially reproduces cultural stereotypes and bias. Results of the analysis are also used to develop improved writing assignments that help students hone their communication skills in the age of generative AI.


Jennifer Bulanda
Associate Professor, Sociology and Gerontology, Miami Unviersity, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Media Literacies


Artificial Intelligence, AI Literacy, Chat GPT, Writing Instruction