The Artificial Intelligence vs. The Artificially Intelligent ?: Net Impact of Suggestive Algorithms


The research crisply expresses the modern dilemma of the roles of master and slave when it comes to human interaction with technology. We may infer that in today’s world, automatons perhaps play both roles. As the title suggests, it also argues whether such technology imprisons or frees its users. We are becoming more and more trapped but the invisibility of our high-tech noose gives us the illusion of freedom. In this study, we delve deep into understanding the functionality and types of suggestive algorithms, the extensive real world applications and contentions. While they are credited to enhance personalization and convenience, the invasion of privacy and manipulation of mind cannot be ignored. We conclude that in the short term, the negative effects outweigh the positives, but as we integrate the proposed recommendations the balance will eventually turn positive. Ultimately, we need algorithms that humans can tweak depending on context to create an IA (intelligent assistant) environment instead of an AI (artificial intelligence) environment. Hence, conscious usage and intervention along with increased role of regulators can definitely propel a more transparent, accountable and controlled system.


Khushi Sahani
Student, Integrated Programme in Management (IPM), Indian Institute of Management, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Shweta Kushal
Assistant Professor, Communications, Indian Institute of Management Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Who Can We Trust? Ethical and Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Digital Communication Systems


Suggestive Algorithms, Freedom, Net Impact, Applications, Contentions, Transparency