Making Virtual Reality a Reality: Designing Educational Initiatives in Libraries with Emerging Technologies


This study steps readers through the key components of developing library-led research and programming that leverages virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR) with the goal of engaging students and faculty.  The authors present readers with tools for assessing their level of organizational readiness to begin such programs; and more importantly, how to sustain them with limited budgets, expertise, and resources.  Building on their experiences, the authors present the steps for developing technology- rich classes, assessing student projects, and overcoming technical hurdles. By way of these methods, they spotlight how this kind of programming is integral to building strategic partnerships in an educational environment. Readers will also learn how to adapt and design programs or initiatives in which the necessary technologies are rapidly changing, not only in higher education institutions, but also in K-12 schools. Alison Valk and Ximin Mi are both librarians at Georgia Tech who work regularly with emerging technologies in support of the campus curriculum. Combined, the authors have led several hundred software workshops and coordinated a VR/AR for-credit undergraduate research course for the last two years. Ashley Schick is an artist and Upper School teacher at the Lovett School who works across curriculums, blending traditional and modern technologies.


Ximin Mi
Librarian / Service Manager, Library, Georgia Tech, Georgia, United States

Ashley Schick
Artist and Teacher, Independent, Georgia, United States

Alison Valk
Multimedia and Emerging Technologies Librarian, Georgia Tech, Georgia, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Literacies


Media Literacy, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Community Building