A Biosemiotic Approach to the Problem of Trust in Artificial Intelligence Systems: Trust Is an Imputed Property of Symbols that Depends on the Pragmatic Consequences of Our Uses


From a logical point of view, trust is a general attribute that can only be predicated of complex symbols. It is in the accumulation of socially shared experiences within a community that uses artificial intelligence systems that trust appears as a general feeling resulting from the consequences produced by the social use of these systems. Peirce’s semiotics and his original version of pragmatism can offer a relevant contribution to this debate, especially when we adopt the perspective of biosemiotics - the branch of semiotics that studies the phenomena of mind and life. For biosemiotics, living systems build internal representations about the external states of the environment where they live and make choices to act/interact based on the degree of confidence they have in 1) the pragmatic truth of their representations and 2) the predictability of the answers they collect from the environment. The pragmatic maxim, which establishes the meaning of a symbol from the consequences that it would be able to produce in the community that adopts it, places trust as an interactional and long-lasting property, which involves both past evidence and future expectations. Intelligent systems need to incorporate the temporal and teleological dimension that is expressed in conditional logical feelings, if not counterfactual.


Anderson Vinicius Romanini
Professor, Department of Communication and Arts, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Theory


Biosemiotics, Pragmatism, Logical Sentimentalism, Artificial Intelligence, Communications, Bioethics