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Claudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes, Student, PhD, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Tools to Brush Away Truth Decay

Workshop Presentation
Veronica Riha,  Elizabeth Goulette,  Neal Haldane  

We live in a media-saturated environment where avoiding disinformation is impossible and the marketplace of ideas is flooded with opinion disguised as fact. This session provides participants strategies to employ to determine the credibility of media information. Citizens in a democracy need accurate and reliable information to function in a free society. Media literacy as a field dates to the 1970s and was designed to give citizens the tools needed to access, understand, analyze, evaluate and create mediated communication. Media literacy employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the veracity of media messages. The session offers participants the opportunity to apply media literacy tools and strategies to evaluate real-world media messages. Engaging with a selection of tools will give participants a framework to use in their classrooms, workplaces and personal lives. A media literacy mindset is essential for citizens to make informed decisions about their lives, communities, societies and government.

Vision Through Sounds: The Life and Work of Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1999) View Digital Media

Workshop Presentation
Dena Kay Jones  

This presentation takes the author's expertise, research, and performance experiences-- which are based on the life and solo piano music of blind Spanish composer Joaquin Rodrigo--to audience members, who have the option of removing their sight while participating. Dr. Dena Kay Jones invites those in attendance to use her multimedia presentation to examine their trust in themselves and in the sighted world where most of us live. Set in a lecture format, the session includes dissemination of research, visual guides (photos and audio/video), recorded music, and if possible, live piano performance excerpts. In addition to a select bibliography of Dr. Jones' collected citations, she offers a blindfold, encouraging participants to go "under occlusion" and listen from a completely different perspective. The program, which has been deemed "an auditory feast," as well as a "challenging introspective," has altered the way people perceive themselves and other--especially in the realms of vision and sound. The presenter is thrilled for the opportunity to share her research as the subject was once a professor at the same institution.

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