Digital Media and Content Credibility in the Times of Disinformation: An Indian Perspective


The largest democracy of the world, one of the fastest growing markets for digital media, and with largest youth population of the world– India is the perfect case study for looking at the challenges of credibility and disinformation. The present paper outlines the core issues concerning credibility of media content, reliability on news sources and role of regulations in thwarting the ills of disinformation. With the mushrooming of mobile market and emergence of digital industry as the second largest industry in the Indian media and entertainment sector, the study focuses on digital media credibility and the need to bring digital platforms under regulation. The paper undertakes a user survey and with respondents from various walks of life and age groups. The major findings of the paper show that a majority of respondents place the credibility of digital content below average score. Print Media despite being a declining industry still scores as the most trusted media as a news source. Only a small percentage of respondents are aware of the regulations proposed by the Government of India to regulate the digital media in the country and a majority of audiences believes that self-regulation is the most effective way of bringing control and credibility to the digital media industry.


Bhavneet Bhatti
Assistant Professor, School of Communication Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Democratic Disorder: Disinformation, the Media and Crisis in a Time of Change


Digital Media, Democracy, India, Credibility, Regulation, Censorship