Irish Soft Power in Northern Irish Protestant Communities: How Mediated Political Discourse is Changing Perspectives on Irish Reunification in Historically-opposed Communities


This paper outlines my research findings into how Irish and British political discourses are interpreted in Northern Irish Protestant communities. My project details how, over the last decade, Irish soft power has grown in influence in Northern Ireland and what impact that has had on people from communities ideologically-opposed to Irish political and social discourse. In this research, a discourse analysis of the Belfast Telegraph was conducted to understand mediated narratives related to topics of Brexit, same-sex marriage legislation in Ireland and abortion legislation in Ireland. Findings are then dissected with focus group participants ranging in age and background, but all from the Northern Irish Protestant, Unionist and/or Loyalist communities. This presentation then details the findings from these focus groups, which demonstrated how a drop in support for unionist/loyalist politics in the NI Protestant community comes both from a crumbling in consensus unionist politics and from a deepening complexity in cultural and political identity in Northern Ireland. Most significantly however, my research finds that participants found Irish politics and politicians to be comparatively far more reasoned and tolerant than British or Northern Irish discourses, and unionist-leaning media coverage in fact does little to instil support for its cause, rather solidifies the position of Irish soft power. The study thus concludes that whilst NI mediated political discourse hasn’t quite shifted the electorate to a pro-reunification stance, Irish soft power messaging has made significant ground in detoxifying and reshaping reunification narratives and debates.


Seán Hickey
Digital Journalist, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Audience Participation, Cultural Representation, Power, Communications, Political economy, Identity, Ideology