Katrina, COVID, School Shootings, and Ukraine: How the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse Are Being Reported


This study analyzes current and previous disasters, conflicts, outbreaks, and environmental developments; and the way the media influences such issues. Are they sensationalized? Is this a ratings game? How do these incidences/disasters resonate on the “global Richter scale” with everything else that is happening? In regards to these questions that everyone in the general populace is asking, how does the media fit into the creation, delivery and dissemination of these messages? When do they stop reporting the news and they, themselves, become the news. Footage, clips and partisan statements will be analyzed to see how the needle is really moving on global issues and how the reporting of these issues affects us all.


Joel Mandina
Alumni Ambassador - SE N USA, Alumni, American University of Paris, Louisiana, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Disasters, Zombie Apocalypse, COVID, Hunger, Plague, Darwin, Environment, Global Issues