Teaching Journalism in a "Post-Truth" Era - Case Studies in Combating Disinformation: Practical Examples of Positioning Journalists to Report in Environment Hostile to Facts and Truth


On October 8th, 2021 at the 5th Annual Conference of Communication and Media Studies, a panel discussion with seasoned Journalism professors from diverse and prestigious Journalism programs discussed the challenges of preparing new, professional journalists. Specifically, the difficulty in teaching journalists to report in environments where facts and truth are increasingly considered unnecessary. This follow-up paper checks in with those Journalism educators and presents specific examples of Journalism programs throughout the United States and globally, that are responding to the increasing use of misleading, false and malicious information through saturated media. The frustrations and obstacles - and techniques enlisted to overcome them - are presented in a multimedia format, and illustrate the successes and lessons learned by young journalists. It illustrates the challenges faced, and tools available for the reporting of News that is meaningful and constructive to promoting democracy and civil societies. Specific examples ranging from grass-roots coverage of hyper-local school board elections in America’s suburbs, to coverage of elections resulting in the regime change in the Far East are discussed.


Jim Carney
Assistant Professor, Journalism & Media Studies, Lehman College - City University of New York, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Democratic Disorder: Disinformation, the Media and Crisis in a Time of Change


Education, Journalism, Social Media, Information, Information, Disinformation, Populism, Truth, Politics