Problematic Smartphone Use and Social Relationships: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Research Literature


In my paper, I address the problematic use of the Internet, social media, and smartphones (PSU). These are research areas that are directly related to each other and deal with identical problems. I explore the impact that smartphones have on social relationships in primary and secondary groups. I conducted a systematic review of the scientific literature on the topic of the possible negative impact of smartphones on individuals’ lives and social relationships. The exemplary conclusions that emerged from the review are as follows: correlational analyses indicate that there is a negative relationship between children’s and adolescents’ perceived relationship with their parents and the occurrence of problematic smartphone use in their lives. In such cases, PSU is most often the product of several different negative stimuli (such as violence, lack of communication, failure to show affection, or overprotectiveness) and is treated as a result of them. Some studies have also found that parental overprotectiveness is associated with the occurrence of PSU among children. At the same time, basically all the studies were carried out using quantitative methods, on non-representative research groups and using different research tools. Therefore, the interpretation of their results is not obvious and the results themselves are not conclusive. In my paper, I discuss the literature review, point out the results of the selected articles, and discuss their limitations. I then show in which direction future research on problematic Internet, social media, and smartphone use should be developed.


Jakub Bandoch
Student, PhD, Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Kujawsko-pomorskie, Poland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Smartphones, Problematic Smartphone Use, Social Relationships, Systematic Literature Review