From Outsourcing to In-house Sound Mixing Facility for BA Film and Animation Thesis Film Production: A Case Study


This paper critically examines the risks, challenges and potential successes relating to the installation of an in-house sound mixing facility based on a case study at a Film School in Singapore. In order to address the urgent need to effectively train final year BA Film students in professional sound post-production practices to ensure their thesis films were exhibition ready for their annual Avant Premiere, a practical, budget conscious approach was adopted in order to secure the adequate resources to design and equip four small surround sound editing/mixing facilities to cater to increased demand from an increase in student numbers. By leveraging on the democratising nature of recent technological developments and the preponderance of more affordable hardware and software based solutions for audio post-production, the goal for setting up the modest sound mixing resources was to elevate the discipline as it had historically suffered from a degree of neglect for various reasons, which will discussed in the paper. One significant outcome of the shift to bring the process in-house, was an immediate increase in the number of final year students selecting sound as their area of specialism: a trend, which has continued ever since the setting up of the first sound mixing facility in 2016.


Khalid Al Mkhlaafy
Programme Leader BA Film and Diploma Broadcast Media, Puttnam School of Film and Animation, Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Sound Mixing Acoustics Surround Stereo Editing Post Production Plugin Dialogue