The Triad of Disruption - How our Enemies with Defeat Democracies: A Framework for Social Media Information Manipulation and Warfare


The Triad of Disruption framework focuses on how nation-states, primarily Russia, China, and Iran, as well as the ISIS terrorist network, are using the combination of Social Media, Digital Social Engineering, and Propaganda/Disinformation/Fake News as interlinked modules to attack the world’s liberal democracies in order to sow discord, chaos, and mistrust for the purpose of weakening, and ultimately defeating, democracy. There are three key components (Information Manipulation, Message Delivery, Pretext Planning) that nation-states and terrorist networks use to win the war of information manipulation using various social engineering techniques. This framework identifies why the triad strategy has become the most powerful weapon of modern information technology as the enemies of democracy have learned how to use expansive social media platforms to disseminate the powerful combination of propaganda and disinformation along with the recently popularized method – fake news; and then, manipulate the intended targets using various types of digital social engineering campaigns. The United States’ presidential election of 2016 is the most successful representation of a nation-state (Russia) using this framework to influence, confuse, anger, and motivate voters by applying information deception and manipulation to assist in determining the next American president. The success of Russia’s 2016 digital information warfare campaign inspired the expansion of the framework against EU nations, America, and other democracies by authoritarian governments world-wide. These Triad of Disruption information warfare campaigns continue to grow in scope, complexity, and effectiveness.


James Curtis
Student, Ph.D., Webster University, Missouri, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Technologies


Social Media, Fake News, Misinformation, Propaganda, Information Warfare