Iranian American Immigration and Masculinity: Relationships of Fathers and Their Children


The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran set in motion a diaspora of Iranians, specifically in this study I look at Iranian immigrants in the United States. Iran historically and presently is a very patriarchal society and has a very prideful culture. The goal of this research is to study fathers of Iranian families that have immigrated to the United States to see how masculinity manifests itself in their homes. The main method used to conduct this study is interviews and ethnographic research done with the fathers of these families, and also their children. The reason for studying the children as well as the fathers is to see the effects of having an Iranian immigrant father from a different perspective than how these fathers visualize and understand themselves. Persian men are very prideful of both their leadership positions and their culture. I aim to to understand how moving to a country -where especially in post 9/11 times did not necessarily accept Persian culture much less appreciate it- affects the mindset and actions of these men.


Neda Jahanbani
Student, Masters, New York University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Media Cultures


Media, Iran, Masculinity, Diaspora, Fathers, Generational Relations, Assimilation