Critical Media Literacy - Reading the Word, Reading the World: An Original Short Documentary Film Screening and Discussion


Critical Media Literacy (CML) is defined as a “theoretical framework and practical pedagogy” that “involves identifying, analyzing, and challenging media that promote representations or narratives involving racism, sexism, classism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination that further marginalize targeted social groups” (Kellner & Share 2019, pp. XI-XIII). In the most basic sense, CML is a pathway that enables instructors from Kindergarten through college to aid in the personal development of a “Critical Consciousness” in individual students and learners. Everyone (both within and outside education) talks about “teaching people to think critically” as a foundational goal of education, even more important than teaching individuals how to add or subtract. But what does “being able to think critically” really even mean? And how can we empower educators to not only be thinking about these philosophical goals but also implementing strategies into their pedagogy and practice to enable students to be engaged on this level as well? For this Focused Discussion, I screen a short documentary film I produced as the Capstone project for a Master’s of Education in Learning Technologies, and facilitate a discussion around the themes put forward in the film. The film is 12 minutes long and can be found here:


Pete Mc Cauley
Principal Media Producer, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Media Literacies


Media, Digital, Literacy, Pedagogy, Framework, Teaching, Truth, Misinformation, Critical, Thinking