Spiritualizing Media: A Study on Expatriates Seeking Islamic Information in Dubai, UAE


Dubai is a metropolitan city that attracts many foreigners due to a growing economy and tourism. It has been noted that when non-Muslims observe Islamic culture and lifestyle, they become interested in learning more. Correspondingly, this research study focuses on non-Muslims and new Muslims in Dubai, and how information about Islam is disseminated to them. It also examines the challenges they encounter when searching for information. The theory of diffusion of innovations was applied as a guiding framework to understand the target audience and create a media model. Survey responses were collected from 541 expatriates and their demographic profile was analyzed, especially in relation to media use. The researcher identified lack of organization in the methods of dissemination and limited access to reliable and accurate information. The study considered a proposal for use of radio with digital media to broadcast information about Islam to specific expatriate audiences in the UAE.


Urwa Tariq
Research Associate, Media and Creative Industries Dept, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Democratic Disorder: Disinformation, the Media and Crisis in a Time of Change


Non-Muslim, New Muslim, Dissemination,Digital media model, Dubai; Islamic Information, Misconceptions