Analysis of Disinformation Messages in the Media Space of Western Balkans 6 Countries with Their Consequences for Target Societies and Countries


Today’s society is facing various crises, which directly or indirectly bring unrest and insecurity through the media space. Unlike in the past experiences, when the credibility of the media was almost unquestionable, today the media, faced with their own crisis, are increasingly subject to unverified information. In this context, the media becomes unreliable, and recognizing something as misinformation for the “ordinary” person becomes really difficult. Without reliable media, the world faces dystopian information and is open to manipulation. The paper analyzes the models of management and leadership of modern conflicts and wars with regard to the strongly expressed and increased possibilities of managing corpora of public and protected knowledge using modern information and communication technologies and techniques (primarily the use of classical and digital media). Analysed models: 1. encouraging and creating a network of citizens who consciously participate in the promotion of such activities that disguise various justifications that promote national, religious, identity and ethnic unity in the fight against common opponents. 2. starting a new media with the aim of fast and comprehensive distribution of targeted messages that try to influence the cognitive processes of recipients of this information, their beliefs, attitudes, opinions, principles on which life is based often leads to certain changes visible on the political scene: from attempts influence on the results of voter decisions in elections and referendums to encourage street violence and change of existing regimes (Belgrade 2020, Montenegro 2020, North Macedonia 2018) Emphasis is on these activities in the Western Balkans 6 (WB6) area.


Jadranka Lasić Lazić
Professor, Journalism, University North, Koprivničko-križevačka županija, Croatia

Gordan Akrap
President, Hybrid Warfare Research Institute, Croatia

Iva Rosanda žigo
Department of Media and Communication, University North

Nikolaj Lazić
Professor, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Democratic Disorder: Disinformation, the Media and Crisis in a Time of Change


Disinformation, Media credibility, Media war, Information warfare