It Came From the Internet!: Applying the Information Literacy Framework to Social Media


This paper focuses on the application of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Framework to different aspects of digital media culture in an effort to improve students’ social media literacies. Evidence has shown that, today, younger generations receive the majority of their information through social media. However, their abilities to properly analyze this information can be lacking. This study reports on efforts by an Instructional Design Librarian at Ringling College of Art and Design to integrate media literacy into the curriculum. Through events in the Library and collaboration with media studies instructors, students have the opportunity to work through both passive and active activities that confront their ideas of what digital information is, how it is disseminated online, and how it impacts their lives. The effectiveness of the collaboration is assessed through a pre- and post-survey to participating students and demonstrates which Information Literacy Frames students need help understanding. Activities are centered around the celebration of Media Literacy Week and include interactive case studies housed in the Library, online engagement through our Instagram stories, and interaction on our Social Media and Information Literacy Research Guide. The implications of this research are a better understanding of how today’s students interact with information, how we, as instructors and librarians, can effectively teach Information Literacy, and how we teach students to become engaged and responsible users of information, not just in academia, but in their everyday lives


Kayla Morrell
Instructional Design Librarian, Ringling College of Art and Design, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Literacies


Information Literacy, Social Media, Social Media Literacy, ACRL Framework