Digital Media and Ideological Polarisation in India: A Structural and Network Analysis of New Media Organisations


Over the past few years, the Indian mediasphere has seen the rise of various new media organisations, many of which have broken through the existing mainstream, gatekeeper paradigm that the Indian mediasphere has generally occupied. With the increasing government control on mainstream media, and the attacks on the free press, these organisations have come to fill the informational vacuum in a significant way. However, the architectural makeup of the platforms through which these organisations disseminate their news, and the low cost of entry coupled with smaller competing appeals for narrower readerships, has also meant that these new media organisations have either been restricted to certain bubbles of consumption, or been associated with certain ideological positions. Using sentiment and lexical analysis tools, this paper examines the discursive and networked polarisation within the digital media space, and looks at its impact on user discourse.


Shantanu Kulshreshtha
Student, DPhil Candidate, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Democratic Disorder: Disinformation, the Media and Crisis in a Time of Change


India, Polarisation, New Media, Digital methods, Twitter