Media’s Portrayal of Unarmed Black Victims Killed by Police


This study explores the direct ways in which news articles contribute to the dehumanization and victimization of unarmed Black victims killed by police. This research question is explained using both symbolic threat theory and dehumanization theories to explore the societal relationship between the power of media and perceptions of Black people surrounding police brutality. A content analysis was done around the initial news articles posted after the death of Sean Bell, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Stephon Clark, and George Floyd. This study also looked at both left leaning and right leaning news articles, to analyze the severity of bias depending on news political affiliation. Results showed three consistent themes including the victims past, victim blaming, and diluting the severity of the incident. Right leaning news articles also showed more than one theme, and sometimes all three themes in one news articles, pointing to much more severe levels of victimization and, dehumanization.


Courtney Boyce
Student, Masters, Southern Illinois University- Carbondale, Illinois, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Media Literacy, Media Politics, Media Power, Policing, Poltiics