Media Business in Uganda: A Case Study


Mass media in Uganda includes print, television, radio and online sectors, and coverage is split between both state-run outlets and privately held outlets as well as English-language outlets and Luganda-language outlets. The Uganda communication commission launched access to digital TV, users purchase digital TV recoders from licenced firms. Radio has also dominated by the state owned Radio Uganda up until the early 1990s when the first independent radio stations got licenses to operate. Radio is now embracing new kind of media and integrating with other communication channels. Radio stations in Uganda integrate mobile technology in their programming to increase on audience engagement. Currently about 5 million television are used. There are several digital channels viewed in Uganda including international news, music and film channels. By covering news, politics, weather, sports, entertainment, and vital events, the daily media shape the dominant cultural. Beyond the media networks, independent news sources have evolved to report in events which escape attention or underline the major stories. The internet as a media platform in Uganda is still quite new. Internet penetration levels are still very low when compared to other African countries. The recent Indian ocean fiber optic cable project brought a lot of optimism and lead to an increased interest in the internet as a media platform. It has led to investment with a number of local telecommunication companies investing into broadband and GPRS subscription services. The Uganda communication commission put mobile internet subscriptions at 4,196,133 compared to 106,900 fixed internet subscription.


Rehemah Nabbuye
Communication and Advocacy Officer, Communication, Ice Breakers Uganda, Kampala, Uganda


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Business


Technology, Telecommunication, Internet, Platforms, Investment, Digital, Business