An Internationally Recognized Cake : Strawberry Shortcake, Millefeuille, and Napoleon


This paper investigates what makes a classic cake. How are cakes changing in this time of globalization? Macha cake has spread out to many different countries in a short time. You can find Macha cake under the same name in a lot of different countries. Millefeuille/Napoleon has been available in many countries for a long time. It can be found under different names in many different countries. The name given to a cake is strongly related to the period of time when it was introduced to a particular country. The focus of this research is about millefeuille, a traditional pastry in France, and Castella in Japan. The method used was to visit and to conduct interviews at a different bakery-patisserie in different neighbourhoods at random every day continuously for 365 days, and research the 365 millefeuille in order to analyze the tastes and ingredients from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 in France. And the resulting analysis were detailed along with detailed watercolors of 365 millefeuille. In 2010, I also analyzed tastes and package boxes of one traditional cake (Castella) from 365 different patisseries every day through visiting and doing interviews with detailed watercolors of 365 cakes in 365 patisseries in Japan (27th August 2010 to 26th August 2011).


Masahiro Miyake
Associate Professor, Human Environmental Scisnces, Mukogawa Women's University, Hyogo, Japan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Politics, and Cultures


Cake, Dessert, Patisserie, Global, International