Environmental Challenges of the Artisan Cheese Making: A Case Study in the Tropic of Mexico


The aim of this study is to analyze an artisan cheese production system in Mexico to identify the challenges, difficulties and perspectives that this activity faces in the context of the environmental impact of livestock systems. The case study of traditional fresh cheese from a community in the State of Guerrero was examined, through in-depth interviews conducted with farmers who supply the raw milk to the cheese factories. We investigated the production practices, the use of land and water, the conservation of natural resources and the management of livestock waste. The results indicate that as the activity has been transformed within the territory, it has caused changes in the landscape. Natural vegetation was replaced by induced pastures, these rangeland, in turn represent a potential source of contamination of nearby mangrove areas, due to the use of fertilizers and agrochemicals, the residues of these substances enter the river-borne and the ocean altering the aquatic ecosystems. In the region, there are no evidence of agrosilvopastoral practices or other that minimize the environmental impact. Additionally, there is an overgrazing, which causes land degradation, nutritional problems for the cows and low dairy yields. It is concluded that the main challenge of livestock related to artisan cheese making is the low productivity at a high environmental cost. It is essential that the implementation of more sustainable practices be considered to produce this traditional dairy product, and thus ensure the livelihoods of the families involved in its manufacture.


América Lina Patiño Delgado
Student, Master of Sciences, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico

María Isabel Palacios Rangel

Fernando Cervantes Escoto
Profesor Investigador, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Ayari Genevieve Pasquier Merino
Research Advisor, Secretaría de Desarrollo Institucional, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food Production and Sustainability