Beyond Nutrients: An Online Education Programme on Health and Sustainability


The current eating pattern and consumption model put both human health and the environment at risk. For this reason, it is necessary to development education programmes on health and sustainability. The main objective of the project is to develop a Nutrition Education Programme through an online platform that offers courses on health and sustainability. Beyond Nutrients is a Nutrition Education Intervention. Existing literature was revised in the fields of health and sustainability. A web page was developed as an online platform for the project and courses were designed for a wide profile of participants. A dissemination strategy was developed, including on-line marketing, and an evaluation plan was established to measure the adequacy, satisfaction, level of implementation and behavioural changes of its activities. Beyond Nutrients is the result of the elaboration of a Nutritional Education Programme with an innovative approach, which educates on healthy and sustainable diets, offering nutritional advice in a simple and practical way. Beyond Nutrients unifies education on health and the environment, combining different pedagogical methods in order to achieve an effective change of the participants’ dietary patterns towards healthier and more sustainable diets.


Laura Matias Guiu MartĂ­
Student, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Food, Nutrition, and Health


Climate change, Nutrition, Health and Sustainability, Nutrition education, Health intervention